



OUR MISSION: Restore the lives of
children orphaned in the Nation of Kenya.  

We are working to restore the lives Kenyan children who are often left to fend for themselves, and are in many cases caught up in with homelessness, hunger, prostitution, and crime.  The need is great, are you ready to be the answer? 


The Vision of the Ministry: As lives are transformed, the ‘once’ orphans are given the opportunity to express their joy through our worldwide worship ministry_as they find their true identity in Christ Jesus as sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father.

This both edifies the body of Christ and blesses the children – they have the opportunity to minister to church and their local community; while fulfilling individual callings in their worship arts gifts.





Help orphans to get off of the streets – Safe Houses or Rescue Centers exist all around the nation of Kenya.  One of our strategies is to assist already established Rescue Centers with clothing, food, or other resources needed.          


While there are many orphans who are homeless; there is a large population of children who have lost parents but are taken in by family members.  Extended family is most often the best environment for these children to receive love and hold onto their identity, but resources are still needed to provide for them; especially an education.  While elementary education is affordable, most children need funding to attend high school. 


Beyond an education - is our dedication in providing children with a safe, long-term family environment where they can grow and thrive.  Due to a changing environment with the way that the Kenyan Government is allowing orphanages, at this time we are helping to place orphans into families that are willing to take these children into their homes as guardians. KWWM will stay with these kids as they complete secondary ‘high’ school and help them to enter into their adult lives with hope for their futures. We feel that supporting each child into boarding schools during their teen years still leaves a gap in the off months. Our partners and guardian families make sure they are a part of the local church and part of a family where they receive love and identity as brothers and sisters, in Christ.


One of the long term goals of this ministry is to have a worship arts school and ministry that goes into all parts of Kenya and beyond. We want to encourage and help develop God given gifts and talents where children can flourish in their gifts and callings in the worship arts or other areas of ministry. We are currently seeking out a location as a base for this part of KWWM.


KWWM is currently sponsoring a school house in the western region of Kenya, outside of Kisumu.


Current efforts include providing meals for the children, clothing, mosquito nets, books/Bibles, and other gifts especially at Christmas time.

Annual testing is very important to children trying to advance into their next year of school, as well as trying to get into better schools for secondary education. Without daily meals the children find it hard to study and concentrate on their tests.

KWWM is currently providing individual sponsorship for orphaned children. 


The educational need is apparent in middle aged children where high schools and further education is more expensive.  Education assistance for young children is often more easily provided (even for orphans) since most areas have public schools that are free or negligible in cost.  Along with high school tuition comes board and basic standard housing which is essential for a young mind and body.

KWWM is currently working with 11 children in the Nakuru area, 8 of which are attending boarding schools for their secondary education. They are in the care of hand selected guardians where they are being nurtured and grafted into the christian community to receive a further sense of identity and belonging.

We already have one graduate of secondary school, Alex, who is preparing for college courses in computer science and technology.


KWWM is moving into compassion ministry and focussing on bringing hope to those who have been abandoned or left to fend for themselves. We are establishing our ministry in the heart Nanyuki, near Mt. Kenya.

We are working with street children and families affected by loss of parents or spouses, family breakups, hunger, job loss due to COVID and those who are experiencing severe poverty.  Specifically, KWWM will be partnering with local community outreaches in the Nanyuki area.


About Us

About Us

KWWM was founded out of a calling to the Nation of Kenya as directed by the Holy Spirit, through a season of prayer.


Please join us in prayer as we move full time into Kenya. Our family is in process of transitioning from the US into Kenya to increase our efforts in our calling to reach the children in various parts of this nation.



To love each other – with such great love like Jesus did for us as we lay down our lives for another – therefore, here we are Lord – use us to bless these children by giving of our financial seed, our time, our prayer!

We are called to this nation as our privilege and God has placed a special anointing to accomplish this work through this ministry.

James 1:27 — "Pure & undefiled religion before God, the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble...” 

Proverbs 19:17 —  "Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed."